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West Bengal State Council of Technical and Vocational Education and Skill Development 
(Technical Education Division) released new notice for Revised guidelines for the external assessment of the theoretical subjects of the final semester/year diploma students in the Academic Session 2019-20.

As per the revised guidelines of the UGC (duly endorsed by the AICTE) and subsequent directives of the Hon'ble Supreme Court, assessment of the diploma students of final semester/year is to be done through examinations in Offline/Online mode. Accordingly, the Council, with the approval of the competent authority, has decided to conduct examinations in online mode for the external assessment of the theoretical subjects of the final semester/year diploma students (both REGULAR and CASUAL) in the Academic Session 2019-20. Salient features cum broad guidelines of the said examinations are being furnished here in under.
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Important Instructions for Examination :    
  •  For all REGULAR and CASUAL diploma students of final semester/year, external assessment of theTHEORETICAL subjects will be done through EXAMINATIONS in online mode.

  •  Examinations will be started on and from 05.10.2020 (Monday). Routine for the examinations will be notified by the Council shortly.

  •  Questions for the examinations will be available from web-portal in the Council's website. The Council will provide confidential login password to the Institutes 1 hour before commencement of the examinations each day. Institutes have to distribute the same password to their eligible students through Email/WhatsApp/SMS 30 minutes before commencement of the examinations i.e. by 10.30 a.m. So, all Institutes have to keep the communication channels ready for their students much before 05.10.2020 for sending the passwords to their eligible students on the days of examinations.

  •  Eligible students have to download the question paper from the web-portal using the confidential login password. They will get additional time of 30 minutes for downloading the question paper.

  • For each day's examinations, the Council will provide new password to the Institutes for onward transmission to their eligible students.

  •  Pattern of questions for the examinations shall remain almost same as that of previous occasions.

  •  Students have to write the answers of the questions in own hand writing using A4 size pages and put their full signature at the bottom of all pages. Each completed answer script must possess a front page (A4 size) carrying details of the examinee (specified in the notification). After completion of the examination, students have to upload the scanned copies of their answer scripts along with the front Page 2 of 2 page (in single pdf form only) to the same web-portal using the same password. For uploading the answer script, students will get additional time of 30 minutes after the examination hour.

  • In  general, duration of the examinations will be 2 hours [for Full Paper (Total Marks: 70/80/100)] and 1 hour [for Half Paper (Total marks: 35/40/50)]. So, students will get total time of 3 hours for the full papers and 2 hours for the half papers including the time for downloading of the question paper and uploading of the answer script. However, in case of the subjects namely, Architectural Design & Drawing-II (Branch: ARCH) and Civil Engineering Drawing (Branch: Part time CE), duration of the examinations will be 12 hours (in two days) and 4 hours respectively.

  • At the end of each day's examinations, answer scripts will be distributed by the Council to the Institutes for evaluation by their eligible teaching faculties. Considering the tight date line of publication of the results, evaluation of the answer scripts must be completed on regular basis by the Institutes. For this purpose, all Institutes must keep their communication channel ready for the teaching faculties well in advance. Any delay in evaluation may hamper the timely declaration of the results.

  •  After evaluation of the answer scripts, all examiners have to submit the allotted marks to the Council through the aforesaid web-portal using confidential login password within a stipulated time.Confidential login passwords for uploading marks will be provided to the examiners by the Council in due course of time. It may be noted that the mode of assessment of performances on internal, attendance and sessional subjects for the REGULAR and CASUAL diploma students of final semester/year shall remain unaltered as it was specified in the Memo No: WBSCTVESD/TED/I/2019-20/1750, Dated, 27 July, 2020.
  • In view of the above, you are requested to intimate the teaching faculties & concerned students of your
  • Institutions in this regard and take necessary actions at your end to make the examination process successful. In
  • case of any change or modification in the process/schedule of the said assessments due to some unforeseen situation under the COVID-19 pandemic, timely

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