Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
Mandatory Additional Requirements for earning AICTE/non-AICTE UG Degree
In partial modification with the notice dated 11 June 2018 regarding Mandatory Additional Requirement(MAR) for earning UG degree, the following modifications/clarifications have been made, which would be effective from the present semester.
👉 Previously no division of activity points of MAR which are to be earned by the students, has been scheduled year wise. A student should acquire a total of minimum 100/75 activity points throughout 4 year/3 year curriculum which should be acquired by earning a minimum of 20 activity points and
maximum of 30 activity points in each year of his/her study, which is necessary for uniform
distribution of MAR activities throughout the entire period of the academic curriculum of the
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👉MAR activities for the students admitted up to the session 2018-19 and for the new session starting from 2019-20, will be in accordance with the following table.
👉Every student, who is admitted to the 4 years B.Tech program prior to the academic year 2019-20, is required to earn minimum number of Activity Points as per Table II in addition to the required academic grades, for getting MAKAUT, WB's B.Tech degree.
👉The courses under MOOCs which have been already taken into consideration i.e., 20 credit courses for awarding B.Tech degree with Honours and 16 credit courses for non-AICTE courses are not to be considered again for awarding activity points for MAR.
👉In addition to the existing activity point allotment for 12 weeks and 8 weeks MOOCs courses of short duration (4 weeks/2 weeks) can also be done. 10/5 activity points will be allotted, based on the short course duration of 4weeks/2 weeks respectively.
The courses with duration ranging from 18-40 hours must also get proper weightage.
Any MOOCS already done or registered before the introduction of MAR system is not to be
considered again for awarding activity points for MAR. Those courses should not be taken into
consideration with retrospective effect.
A student can also select MOOCs from the MOOCs basket/repository as designed by the University
for earning activity points for MAR. But the same course cannot be counted for Honours. There
should not be any overlapping of MOOCs with regard to MAR and Degree with Honours.
If any student is unable to get certificate from MOOCs platform after auditing the course, the college
will extend facility for awarding point after evaluation in consultation with the University.
The activity points allotted per research publication (Vide Serial No.9 of Table-V) shall carry equal full
weights among joint authors, if any, to encourage the students in research work.
In addition to SWAYAM/NPTEL/Spoken Tutorial the names of all available MOOCs can be included. At
present, SWAYAM/NPTEL/Spoken Tutorial have only been mentioned (Vide Serial No. 1 of Table V).
In Serial No. 15 of Table-V, ‘Student Chapter’ should be read as ‘Active Participation in Student
Chapter’, that is, whether the concerned student is an active member of the same.
A student may earn activity point, being a member of other professional bodies and by participating
as a resource person.
A separate dedicated server is needed for huge data on students’ evaluation on the part of the
colleges. Digital versions of all certificates regarding MAR can be uploaded in the college.
Every student should upload his/her MAR activity data/certificate in the social media, viz.,
Facebook/Instagram, which can be counted as part of the documentary evidence.
Activities must be open-ended, that is, there can be many activities, other than the specified list by
MAKAUT. College authorities may introduce new activities, with the prior approval of the University.
The University has introduced new activities as part of MAR, which would encourage
entrepreneurship ability of the students. Such activities are listed in the following table.
New MAR Activities (In addition to the existing list, Vide Serial No. 22, Table-V)
Any MOOCS already done or registered before the introduction of MAR system is not to be
considered again for awarding activity points for MAR. Those courses should not be taken into consideration with retrospective effect.
👉A student can also select MOOCs from the MOOCs basket/repository as designed by the University for earning activity points for MAR. But the same course cannot be counted for Honours. There should not be any overlapping of MOOCs with regard to MAR and Degree with Honours.
👉 If any student is unable to get certificate from MOOCs platform after auditing the course, the college will extend facility for awarding point after evaluation in consultation with the University.
👉 The activity points allotted per research publication (Vide Serial No.9 of Table-V) shall carry equal full weights among joint authors, if any, to encourage the students in research work.
👉 In addition to SWAYAM/NPTEL/Spoken Tutorial the names of all available MOOCs can be included. At present, SWAYAM/NPTEL/Spoken Tutorial have only been mentioned (Vide Serial No. 1 of Table V).
👉 In Serial No. 15 of Table-V, ‘Student Chapter’ should be read as ‘Active Participation in Student
Chapter’, that is, whether the concerned student is an active member of the same.
👉 A student may earn activity point, being a member of other professional bodies and by participating as a resource person.
👉 A separate dedicated server is needed for huge data on students’ evaluation on the part of the
colleges. Digital versions of all certificates regarding MAR can be uploaded in the college.
👉Every student should upload his/her MAR activity data/certificate in the social media, viz.,
Facebook/Instagram, which can be counted as part of the documentary evidence.
👉 Activities must be open-ended, that is, there can be many activities, other than the specified list by MAKAUT. College authorities may introduce new activities, with the prior approval of the University.
1) Every student shall participate in the cio-curricular and extra-curricular activities and produce documentary proof to the designated Faculty Members appointed by the Head of the
Department/Principal/Director in the respective college. Thereby the student should earn the required points before he/she appears for the Final Examinations.
2) A student’s result of his/her Final Examinations will be withheld until he/she completes the minimum activity points by the end of his/her Degree Programme.
3) In every semester, every student is required to prepare a file containing documentary proofs of activities, done by him/her. This file will be duly verified and activity points will be assigned by the teachers as appointed above, at the end of every semester.
4) Each institution will form a three members committee, the composition of which is to be notified to the University. The committee will finalize the activity points for each student before entering them into the Online Point Entry System (at the URL, as specified by the COE of the University).
5) Every student has to earn at least 75, 100 or 125 activity points for 3, 4 or 5 year courses
respectively. The points earned by the students will be reflected in their mark sheets.
Special activities of
Mandatory Additional Requirements(MAR)
during Lock down period at MAKAUT-WB
Special Activists for Lock Down
Special activities for Mandatory Additional Requirements(MAR)
during Lock Down period at MAKAUTWB : Click Here
Previous MAR Report ➡Click Here
I will invited all the MAKAUT UNIVERSITY Students for join this facebook group and published your activity, and grain your MAR POINT Easily.
For all communications in this regard, the following person can be contacted:
Ms. Rapti Ray
In-charge Mandatory Additional Requirement
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology , West Bengal (MAKAUT,WB)