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POWERGRID, the Central Transmission Utility (CTU) of India is a ‘Maharatna’ Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Power; Govt. of India is engaged in power transmission business with the mandate for planning, coordination, supervision and control over complete inter-State transmission system and operation of National & Regional Power Grids. For its TBCB (Tariff Based Competitive Bidding) Project works under Northern Region-I, POWERGRID invites applications from young, dynamic and experienced professionals. The engagement shall be purely on temporary & contractual basis for a period of 24 months initially or till completion of project, whichever is earlier. The actual engagement may vary depending on requirement and status of project.


Name of Post: Field Engineer (Electrical) [Post ID: 1] 

Qualification : Full time B.E/B.Tech/ B.Sc (Engg.) in Electrical discipline or equivalent from recognized University / Institute with minimum 55% marks for General/OBC(NCL)/EWS and pass marks for SC/ST/PWD candidates. 

  • Upper Age as on 09.05.2021 29 years 

Name of Post: Field Engineer (Civil) [Post ID: 2]

Qualification : Full time B.E/B.Tech/ B.Sc (Engg.) in Civil discipline or equivalent from recognized University / Institute with minimum 55% marks for General/OBC(NCL)/EWS/ST and pass marks for SC candidates.

  • Upper Age as on 09.05.2021 29 years

Name of Post: Field Supervisor (Electrical) [Post ID: 3]

Qualification : Full time Diploma from recognized technical Board/Institute with minimum 55% marks for General/OBC(NCL)/EWS and pass marks for SC/ST/PWD candidates. Higher technical qualification like B.Tech/B.E/M.Tech/M.E etc with or without Diploma is not allowed

  • Upper Age as on 09.05.2021 29 years

Name of Post: Field Supervisor (Civil) [Post ID: 4]

Qualification : Full time Diploma in Civil Engineering from recognized technical Board/Institute with minimum 55% marks for General/OBC(NCL)/EWS/ST and pass marks for SC candidates. Higher technical qualification like B.Tech/B.E/M.Tech/M.E etc with or without Diploma is not allowed

  • Upper Age as on 09.05.2021 29 years




  • Field Engineer (Electrical/Civil) Post Id - 1/2 : Rs 400/- (Non-Refundable Application Fee)
  • Field Supervisor (Electrical/Civil) Post Id - 3/4 : Rs 300/- (Non-Refundable Application Fee)

SC/ST/PwD/Ex-SM are exempted from payment of Application Fee


1. Interested eligible candidates should apply only through On-line Registration System of POWERGRID. To apply logon to → Careers section → Job Opportunities→ Openings → Regional Openings → Northern Region-1, Delhi Recruitment → Contractual Positions and then “Engagement of experienced personnel on Contract Basis for the post of Field Engineer & Field Supervisor (Electrical/Civil)”. No other means/ mode of application shall be accepted. POWERGRID will not be responsible for bouncing back of any email sent to the candidate.

2. Before registering and submitting their applications on the website, the candidate should possess a Valid Self E-mail ID, Alternate E-mail ID and Mobile number.

3. Candidates are advised to upload the following documents while submitting online application in the space earmarked in the on-line application: - 

  • a) Scanned copy of recent passport size color photograph max. (50kb) in .JPG format 
  • b) Scanned copy of signature max (30kb) in .JPG format 
  • c) Date of Birth Proof: Matric/ Birth Certificate (wherein DOB is mentioned) (max 1MB) in .pdf format 
  • d) Qualification Certificate (Diploma/ Degree) along with Mark Sheets of all years/semesters (max. 10MB) along with Proof of norms adopted by the University/ Institute to convert CGPA/OGPA/DGPA into percentage (if applicable) (all Qualification Certificate & Mark Sheets are required to be scanned in .pdf format) 
  • e) Experience Certificate (for Present as well as Previous employment indicating start date, end date, designation, pay scale/ emoluments & area of experience) issued by authorized/ appropriate signatory of the organization (1MB) in .pdf format . 
  • f) Candidates working in Govt./ PSU are required to apply through proper channel and need to upload “No Objection Certificate” from the present employer in .pdf format. 
  • g) Caste Certificate in the prescribed GOI format issued by Competent Authority (if applicable) (max. 1MB) in .pdf format 
  • h) Disability Certificate in the prescribed GOI format issued by Competent Authority (if applicable) (max. 1MB) in .pdf format 
  • i) Ex-Serviceman Discharge Certificate, Undertaking and Proforma of Certificate for Employed Officials in case of Ex-Servicemen in the prescribed format (if applicable ) (max. 1MB) in .pdf format 
  • j) Domicile cum Age relaxation certificates for Candidates from J&K State/ Riots Victim in the prescribed GOI format issued by Competent Authority (if applicable) (max. 1MB) in .pdf format 
  • k) Employment Exchange Registration Certificate/ Receipt (if applicable) (1MB) in .pdf format

4. Applicants are advised to take a print out of the submitted online application and note down the user ID and password generated at the time of online registration. Shortlisted/screened candidates are required to produce the above uploaded documents in original for verification at the time of interview/joining.

5. Information regarding this recruitment process shall be made available in the career section of POWERGRID website. Applicants are advised to check the website periodically for updates.

6. Payment of Application Fees:


8. Also, candidates should keep the following documents ready with themselves for any future requirement. (Self-attested copies):

a) Copy of online generated resume 

b) Documents related to Essential Qualification (Passing Certificate & Mark sheets.) 

c) Documents related to Other Qualifications (Passing Certificate and Mark sheets) 

d) Proof of norms adopted by the University/ Institute to convert CGPA/OGPA/DGPA into percentage. 

e) Documents related to Experience (Present as well as Previous)

  • Experience / Service Certificate: Proof of experience indicating post held, period of service, pay scale/ emoluments & area of experience/ details of work assignment issued by the organization on its letter head.
  • Latest Salary Slip 
  • All proof of experience shall be duly certified by the organization concerned and self-attested by candidate. 
  • Certificate issued by concerned HR department in case of personnel currently engaged on contractual basis in POWERGRID in consultancy projects. 

f) Proof of Date of Birth(X class certificate/ Birth Certificate) 

g) Caste (SC/ST/OBC-NCL/EWS) Certificate for claiming Reservation/ Relaxation/concessions (as applicable) 

h) Discharge Certificate (If applicable)

i) Disability Certificate (If applicable)

j) Any other relevant document

Candidate will have to bring these documents along with original for verification at the time of interview/ medical/ joining, if called for.

k) Candidates should submit only single application for a post and application once submitted cannot be altered. A valid e-mail ID is essential for submission of the online application. POWERGRID will not be responsible for bouncing of any e-mail sent to the candidates. 

l) Candidates are advised to make a note of their e-mail ID as entered in the application form and Registration Number generated at the top right hand corner of the ‘Resume’. These would be required for accessing information through candidate login during the later stage of the recruitment process. 

m) Once applied, the applicants are advised to check the web site as well as their registered e-mail regularly for any updates.

9. The admit card indicating Roll Number, Name of the allocated Test Center and guidelines for the test will be made available on our website to the candidates found apparently eligible based on the online data only. The candidate has to download his/her Admit card, Test Guidelines etc. for appearing in the test from the website only. Please note that the admit card will not be sent by post.

10. All information regarding this recruitment will be made available on the website: and no separate communication shall be made. Candidates must constantly visit website for information regarding dates of written test, downloading of admit card, result of written test, medical standards etc.

11. E-mail ID and Mobile number to be entered in online application form is mandatory. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new email ID before applying online. Candidates are advised to keep the e-mail ID and Mobile number entered compulsorily in the online application form, active for at least one year. No change in the email ID or mobile number will be allowed once entered. All future correspondence shall be made via E-mail and/or SMS only.

12. Applicants should keep sufficient copies of same photographs in reserve for future use, which they are using in the Online Registration.

13. It is mandatory that eligible candidates go through the full text of the advertisement and agree to all the conditions given, while applying for the post.

14. No manual / paper application will be entertained 


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