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It is notified for information for all concerned that the enclosed list (total 25 pages) is published for the purpose of credit transfer scheme from the academic year 2020-21 as per recommendation of the appropriate authority and approval of the policy by the competent authority. The published list is based on the recommendations received so far. Affiliated institutions may also propose additional courses for credit transfer scheme from different reputed MOOCs platforms. Such proposals would be considered by the appropriate authority and on acceptance of the same, they would be included in the credit transfer scheme. In case of offering any course on MOOCs platform for credit transfer scheme, the same must be
included in the profile of the students during enrolment process. One teacher need to be assigned for
the students who are opting courses on MOOCs platform for credit transfer scheme for regular guidance, monitoring of progress and updating score in the university examinations portal. In case of any discrepancy found in the listed courses like mismatching of credit points, duration of courses etc, must be brought into the notice of the office of the Controller of Examinations before offering them for credit transfer scheme. This is published with the approval of the appropriate authority.
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